Unstructured Data Store


Version 1.0
Created date 23-05-2016

Data Size Reduction

How can the size of the data be reduced to enable more cost effective storage and increased data movement mobility when faced with very large amounts of data?

Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of Data Size Reduction

Relational Sink

How can large amounts of processed data be ported from a Big Data platform directly to a relational database?

Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of Relational Sink

Processing Abstraction

How can different distributed processing frameworks be used to process large amounts of data without having to learn the programmatic intricacies of each framework?

Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of Processing Abstraction

Streaming Access Storage*


Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of Streaming Access Storage*

Random Access Storage*

The Random Access Storage compound pattern represents a part of a Big Data platform capable storing high-volume and high-variety data and making it available for random access.

Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of Random Access Storage*

File-based Sink

How can processed data be ported from a Big Data platform to systems that use proprietary, non-relational storage technologies?

Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of File-based Sink

Unstructured Data Store*


Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of Unstructured Data Store*

File-based Source

How can large amounts of unstructured data be imported into a Big Data platform from a variety of different sources in a reliable manner?

Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of File-based Source

Automated Dataset Execution

How can the execution of a number of data processing activities starting from data ingress to egress be automated?

Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of Automated Dataset Execution

Automated Data Replication and Reconstruction

How can large amounts of data be stored in a fault tolerant manner such that the data remains available in the face of hardware failures?

Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of Automated Data Replication and Reconstruction

Direct Data Access

How can large amounts of raw data be analyzed in place by contemporary data analytics tools without having to export data?

Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of Direct Data Access

Large Scale Batch Processing

How can very large amounts of data be processed with maximum throughput?

Author Bert
Alias --
Stereotypes ApplicationFunction
Details of Large Scale Batch Processing