Conceptual datamodel

In the conceptual data model we create a high level and abstract model of the data entities and their relations. Attributes and other details are mostly displayed in the lower models. In IDEA we selected ArchiMate passive structure entities (Business Objects and Data Objects and their associations to model this layer.

  • Conceptual viewpoint package
    This is the main entry in the IDEA repository to the viewpoints, diagrams and entity descriptions for the conceptual layer

  • Overview of dataobjects Depending on the scope of your conceptual model a connection is made to the application layer of your architecture. Than a data object is a relevant passive structure entity

  • Overview of business objects Depending on the scope of your conceptual model a connection is made to the business layer of your architecture. Than a business object is a relevant passive structure entity

  • Conceptual example package
    This is the main entry in the IDEA repository to the viewpoints, diagrams and entity descriptions for the conceptual layer