
State and province lookup table.

Package Physical datamodel example
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes table


Name Type Cardinality Description
StateProvinceID int 1 - 1Primary key for StateProvince records.
StateProvinceCode nchar 1 - 1ISO standard state or province code.
CountryRegionCode nvarchar 1 - 1ISO standard country or region code. Foreign key to CountryRegion.CountryRegionCode.
IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag bit 1 - 10 = StateProvinceCode exists. 1 = StateProvinceCode unavailable, using CountryRegionCode.
Name nvarchar 1 - 1State or province description.
TerritoryID int 1 - 1ID of the territory in which the state or province is located. Foreign key to SalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryID.
rowguid uniqueidentifier 1 - 1ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample.
ModifiedDate datetime 1 - 1Date and time the record was last updated.


Linked elements

Physical datamodel example